If I were going to carry a book somewhere, I would be really careful about walking into a room where there was a painter sitting at his easel. I found out a long time ago that when you do something picturesque like this that painters will stop you and say 'perfecto!' and ask you to stop walking and sit down or just stand there with the book until they have painted you, which is OK if you have nothing to do for anywhere from an hour to a few weeks, but if you do, you will be driven quite mad from standing with a book in your hands for all that time because books are heavy and paintings take forever. and worst of all, artists have one thing on their minds: paint--sexy, luscious, rich, delicious paint. it can be quite dangerous, in a sort of sexy way, in a way that is hard to explain to your children or your parents. regardez: beware the painter who sees you and says perfecto.


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