I decided to stay in keeping with the style of the first two Wavies for Wavy Three (Make It Long & Wavy) which is all but complete save the Table of Contents.

Table of Contents. Don't you hate them? Please, all of you people out there who hate writing Table of Contents please write me and tell me your Table of Contents stories. I am certain that there are many of us out there. It's kind of like a secret society, without the handshake. But we have that look in our eyes. It's a sad, puppy dog look. But the puppy dog is a boxer. You know, cute but mighty.


Yet though we be mighty, we are sorely afeared. We hate Contents. Where do you go from here? And from whence did we come?

Funny, though, I often think when I can't get to sleep, how 'Content' is spelled the same as 'content.'



all artwork, including monsters but not old timey photographs,
® mr. crispy flotilla, 2007


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