3000 BC

In the times of the pharaohs, the birthdays of children and the birthdays of women were not celebrated. But the birthdays of PHARAOHS were lavish affairs: servants, slaves and freedmen took part in the celebrations. Even prisoners were released from the royal jails on the birthdays of pharaohs. I would not care to be a

Pharaoh, but I would enjoy being released from jail. I like to think that I would listen to the cheering and joy with my own personal joy which would increase as the cheering grew softer and softer in the distance until I could not hear the cheering at all. My thoughts would turn to freedom as they so often do, and to the sound of the crickets if there are any in Egypt, or honeysuckle vines (ditto) and then of course to Babylon, which would come around and plop its big butt down around here eventually.

all artwork, including handsome monsters but not crinkly devilish types,
® mr. crispy flotilla, 2008


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