I stood upright
and erect, holding
a long spear in
my right hand
and a saber at
my side, sporting
skin-tight pantaloons
with one foot
perched triumphantly
on an angry cougar:

Who do you
think I am?

Cabeza de Vaca,
the virile Spanish

I don a mighty
codpiece, made
in Spain: Hecho
en España

Now can you
guess who I
think I am?

That’s right!
Cabeza de Vaca
again. Vaca,
Vaca–always with
the Cabeza de Vaca.

If only the angry cougar
spoke Spanish. “Head
of Cow” indeed!

He would say, and
gooble up my Cabeza
de Vaca in a jiffy.

Strolling away, murmuring
to himself, licking his chops,

all artwork, including handsome monsters but not crinkly devilish types,
® mr. crispy flotilla, 2008


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