About a year ago, I decided that I should be prepared in case I decided to write a variety of different books with a number of different titles. Since cover art is, I feel, the most difficult aspect of writing a book, I thought it would be good to make a number of covers in advance with titles that I would most likely use for future books. As I thought about it, the first and most obvious title I could think of was ONLY. And so I now have a cover for my new book called ONLY in case I ever decide to write a book called ONLY. I don't think I probably will. But it's a nice cover. You know, REM used to play music using the name HORNETS ATTACK VICTOR MATURE. That would be an even better title than ONLY I think, but I have tried to capture the essence of Victor Mature in the past, and I have failed. And hornets are too small and too mean to draw I think. Although I have never been attacked by a hornet, I understand that this is not the case with Victor Mature.

all artwork, including monsters but not old timey photographs,
® mr. crispy flotilla, 2007


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