I am watching my plants grow.

There’s rosemary, catnip, and oregano.

I bet you wonder which one is growing best.

Well, it’s catnip.

If you asked why, I would say, I don’t know.

And I don’t understand what catnip is
or how it works so magically with cats

producing a velvety, rich intoxication
of pure bliss

That’s because of all the things that I have
encountered in the world, and that I can

safely say that I understand the least
right at the top of the list you will find

velvety rich intoxications of pure bliss

Therefore I am almost certain that
I can safely say:

Those things that grow best are those
things that I understand the least

and produce the greatest bliss

So If you ever see me outside while you
are trying to decide what to buy

just ask me if I understand it

If I reply,

“Not in the least”

Then buy one --or even two!

Put them on your window sill
and gaze at them on a lazy P.M. day

Past the glistening flowers you can see the gym

The bodybuilders are tired but happy,

doesn’t it seem as though they are

almost growing before your eyes


Anonymous said…
It makes them high.

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