This Tamale has the works: Jeffery Beam, David Need, Jacki Shelton Green, Glenn Cassidy, Grey Brown, Alice Osborn and tiny poets and young poets like Alexandra Slydel who I think is great and is probably 13, I forget rightly.

It should be fun. Think of it as the Woodstock of Poetry Festivals only with running water and toilets. It starts at 11 AM ends at about 11 PM, with an après party at the great Wootini.

Attend or die trying!



Unknown said…
I want to personally thank all the poets and members of the community for supporting our NC artist. This is a complex event to organize because of the precise objective, “Supporting NC writers in the art of Poetry”. It is gratifying to see the event materialize and all those who have contributed enjoying themselves. It’s the artist and community members who make this event so unique and special. This event has grown with tremendous pace over the past 3 years and I look forward to its continued expansion in the future. Sincerely- Kim Andrews Event Supervisor

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