From Florida to Paris, “Fredgie,” the cancer-ridden clown, is the main attraction in a show called “El Show.”
He has a host of languages to choose from.
In a spirit of generosity, he will give you a “Fredgie Whammy.”
He has wonderful friends: Mr. Silvo, Luz La Rumba, Mr. Percussion and Zu-Zou.
And a picture of his wife, with Pat Nixon.
He can’t wait to be the grand marshall at the Candy Cane Paradeland.
And he doesn’t talk about cancer, but he’ll talk about everything else.
¡Hola, Tout le monde! Fredgie cries. ¡Soy Fredgie, aquí in Paris! Cha Cha Cha! ¡Mamba y merengue! Merci! Merci Beaucoup! Hey! Je m’appelle Fredgie!
21 BOOKS RELEASE PARTY will be held at The Looking Glass Cafe on October 24, 2009, Saturday evening, at 8:00. This event celebrates the first release of 21 individual works of poetry and prose by the poet Ricky Garni, whose work has been only been available in scattered anthologies, print and web publications unto this time. Mr. Garni will read from many of the works on Saturday, and will have a single copy of each book available for sale at the event...