I learned an important lesson today. If you have to climb a bunch of stairs and you are out of breath because of it, make sure that once you reach the top floor that the coast is clear, i.e. there are no Belgian penny farthing road bike racers nearby. I was not cautious enough myself and ran right into one, right there at the top of the stairs, and right away she said why are you so out of breath and I explained that I had to climb three flights of stairs she said well last week I rode a hundred miles on my penny farthing in seven hours and that wasn't so bad so there. I started to cry and she said you know nobody cries in Belgium. I have never been to Belgium but if nobody cries there I bet there are no stairs there. It's a good bet too because there is no way to descend a flight of stairs successfully on a penny farthing I don't think. Ascend maybe if you have big muscles but descend no way. The End.
all artwork, including monsters but not old timey photographs,
® mr. crispy flotilla, 2007
all artwork, including monsters but not old timey photographs,
® mr. crispy flotilla, 2007